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January 15, 2025: Wednesday Disneyland information guidelines 

6:11 am Arrive at Chaminade Middle School

ATTIRE: Comfortable non-offensive clothes, dress for the weather.  If you don't understand this means just wear your school uniform.  All students travel via bus & go around the park in groups.


6:13 am in your seat with case at feet - follow instructions to LOAD & Leave bus Chaminade MS (same seat both ways)
Low Winds & Brass, first, Trpts, Saxes 2nd, flutes & clarinets, last, percussionists don't need to bring instruments or mallets/sticks
6:14 start loading the Band Vehicle

6:30 bus leaves


Check in points in person are imperative.  Do not be late, and have your whole group.  If missing someone, come to check in point anyway.  I need to see everyone's face & make sure each student hears all instructions.  Late students guarantees putting things away upon return to make sure everything is put away properly.


Suggestion:  Have your group write down everyone's first choice of ride, then consult map to make a path to hit everyone's ride.  Choose fast passes for rides with longest lines.  If everyone doesn't respect each other, there will be problems, crying, phone calls accompanied by lack of fun.


9:00 am exit bus
9:14 Meeting at compass between both parks

We will get our instruments off the Instrument Vehicle and leave the cases - keep your mouthpiece in your pocket, keep your reed in your mouth when we are not moving.
There may be an 
Inspection:  Line up quietly in two lines while we wait for the security and dog inspection.  Please respect security is a serious checkpoint.


10:00-11:30 am  Band in Soundtrack Clinic where you record like they do for the movies (No pictures, no recording during the work session) in California Adventure Park.  After clinic we will all enter Disneyland - Everyone should enter on the right side and locate the Great Moments in Lincoln location.  This is our end meet point. 


Rules for a fun day @ Disneyland
Check In:  Any 
group missing a check point IN PERSON will stay after upon return.  
Bathroom:  Never separate from group, never go alone.  
Rides:  Never separate, take last escape point if not riding, & wait at other side of ride.
Eating:  Never separate from group.  Wait in line together and then go to another place together if you don't want to eat the same thing.  
Tomorrowland has the widest selection with food all in the same area and COMMUNICATE with your group if you feel a place is too crowded.
Phone & Battery:  Reception is never the same in different locations.  Be prepared for your battery to drain much quicker than normal.  Have a power bank with at least 2 full charges & a charging cord.  (consider Low battery mode, brightness down)
If Lost:  Go to Magic Castle and text your group which includes me - those passing castle temporarily adopt the lost one.  To avoid getting lost or separated always keep one person in your group in your sight.  Get each others numbers if you are able to text each other.  Once separated it is very hard to find each other.

Stay off each other.  You'll end up fighting.  Discovering everyone's personal bubble of space is different.  No one wants to be annoyed at Disneyland.  Be respectful.  Communicate with words.


6:56 pm SHOP at front - You have about 30 minutes to buy a last minute item & get stuff from locker with a buddy.  
Stay with group/buddy, check in, use restroom with a buddy.  Don't wander off alone even after checking in.


7:33-43 pm   Meet by Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln which is near Magic Shop - when your group checked in go outside of the park to the right (west) and use the restroom where we will wait until all groups arrive.   We will go as one group to the bus at Downtown Disney near where the clinic was located.  
LATE CHILDREN PAY LATE BUS FEES  $110.00  Being late is a major safety issue.


8:00 pm Bus leaving We plan to return to school by 9:23 pm. Students staying after for 20 minutes are selected based on trip behavior, tardiness, absences & no communication. 
9:26 pm Arrive @ Chaminade MS unless a child is late to the bus.  LATE CHILDREN PAY LATE BUS FEES  $110.00

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